
Mr.Otani. 〜He built Otani Junior High School.〜


English Articles

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This is our school. Otani Junior High School.
This building is built by Mr.Otani.

〜Mr.Otani Isamu and his family story〜
He was born in Oyabe City. He was an adopted child of Mr. Otani Takejirou.
His father and aunt are great persons. His aunt Ms.Otani Yonetarou built the Hotel New Otani.
It is a big and famous hotel chain.

〜About our school “Otani Junior High School”〜
In 1984, Otani Junior High School was built by Mr.Isamu.
Do you know about our school’s name?
This school was named after Mr. Otani.
So our school name is not a local name. This name is a famous person’s name. It is great!!
We are proud of this.
There are lot of science instruments and books given by him. We thank him for this. 
We have a statue of “Ninomiya Kinjirou” in our school yard. It was built by him too

Our school is special. This is only some of many good points.
So we have much more good points at Otani Junior High School !!